Ok, so. I'm gonna turn this blog back into what it used to be. Which basically was me posting my graphic stuff and talking a bunch of crap. I'm gonna keep the English though, to keep things a bit more international. With a new project in the making, I figured I might as well try to reach out to a bigger crowd!
So, anyway. New project? Yep, that's right. New team making it? Totally.
After GGC, we (me, Vilya and Teddy) decided to do our own thing and split up with Trashtalk. We don't have any official name yet, still working on that part, but we've been working on a new project since the start of the summer!
I took a few weeks off (as did the rest of the team) to go visit home, so the last month haven't been super productive really. But now I'm back on my beloved island, ready to get back in the mix!
So about the new project. I'm not gonna go that much into detail, but it's basically an action rpg done in pixel art (fuck yes). We've drawn inspiration from a lot of old classics, like the earlier zelda games (A Link to the Past especially) and the Secret of Mana games. We all have a soft spot for Korean MMO's aswell and the focus on farming/grinding gear, so that also plays a big role in our game. Oh, and it has co-op support!
We're calling the game "Secret of Grindea" at the moment. Might change in the future, but I think it sums up the game perfectly!
Not gonna ramble on about it, I'll go more into detail as we add more stuff. Gonna post a screenshot though for all of you to enjoy! This is just a few weeks of work, so there's a lot of more stuff to be added and changed.
I'm basically doing all the animations, character/monster sprites as well effects and such. Vilya is responsible for all the environments, the GUI/HUD, menus and all that. Teddy is the Rambo-programmer and been doing a pretty kick ass job so far! I'll be posting videos and stuff later to show of more of the game, as well as my animation work.
And, yeah. That's that I guess. I'm gonna try to keep this thing updated to the best of my ability. Probably won't be once every day, but once or twice every week is my aim!
Now, back to work. See you fags around!
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