söndag 24 juli 2011

As promised, more frequent updates!

So yeah, been sitting inside my apartment for the last week or so. Working on Grindea, watching a bunch of movies/series and playing Mega man 10. Giving it one play through everday, not gonna stop til I can beat the game without dying once!
Anyway, I'm pretty much aching to get out of my apartment and do shit. If anyone wanna grab a beer (or a couple) let me know! If not, I'll just have to wait for the return of my beloved roomate to get shit started around here!

On a work related note, here's what I've been busy with. This is one of the early enemies you'll come across in Grindea, the super feared Rabbi! This is the attack animation for the sucker, but I've got a bunch more stuff for him aswell. Figured I'll post those in a video or something later on as soon as Teddys got him properly implanted into the game!

Now, I'm gonna start some crappy movie and fall asleep. 07:00 in the morning. Summer sleeping schedule at it's finest!

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