Been sidelined with some health issues, that's why there haven't been any regular updates lately.
I've had this crazy rash that has to be the worst thing I've ever (for real) experienced.
Imagine having your entire body, itch like a motherfucker. 24/7. You can't focus on ANYTHING. Sleeping is the worst part. If you even manage to fall asleep in the first place, you're gonna wake up in a few hours, not being able to fall asleep again. So I've had to power nap my way through the last few days, sleeping 1-2 hours in session spread out over the entire day/night.
Anyway, been to the doctor 2 times the last 2 weeks or something and I've got some medication that's helped out pretty good. The rash is still there, but its manageable. Hopefully it will be disappear within the next few days.
According to mr Doctor I've had some kind of allergic reaction to something, but he couldn't tell what. Hopefully it's not the cat. I did an allegri test a few months ago, but it came back negative. So yeah.
Anywaaay. I've been able to do some work at least. Today was the first day in forever where I could actually keep my focus up the entire day, so it felt super good.

Just one more animation for this guy and he will be all done! Teddy has implanted what we have so far in the game and it looks pretty sweet! I'll show you guys when it's all done!
Besides that, we've been focusing pretty heavily on our menu design the last few days. We really need to have a super slick and well organized menu, since our game is pretty much all about finding gear and items. We don't want to have players navigating through a million of side menus and shit, but at the same time it has to be fairly complicated to be able to store all the stuff we have planned. So it's kinda tricky.
We have made some good progress though, and Vilya have created a pretty sweet base that I thinks gonna work out good. I'm psyched to see it actually working in game! I'll keep you guys posted on that as well, throwing up some videos as soon as we have something to show!
Anyway. Time to sleep. A new day at the office tomorrow! Byeee fags!