tisdag 12 april 2011

Rebirth of the blog!

Ok, I'm gonna change things up a bit on my blog.

First of all, the design has had a small facelift, mainly for easier navigation. Also, I'm gonna be using english instead of swedish to not only limit my self to swedish readers.

The blog is gonna have a somewhat more serious tone (SOMEWHAT) as I'm gonna be using this blog to communicate my work on Overkill to teachers and (maybe) future publishers or employers. And of course anyone who's the tiniest bit interested in what I do.

So for any new readers, my name is Fred Ström, I'm the lead 2D/3D animator and character modeler of TrashTalk, a small group of game programmers and graphical artists trying to make more then decent games!
Besisde my passion for animation, I have experience in 3D modeling/sculpting and 2D illustration. I also have a softspot for pixelart and retro styled graphics.

At the moment, TrashTalk is working on Overkill. It's a 3D hack 'n Slash game set in a over the top, generic fantasy world were you play the super evil overlord who want's to destroy all that is good. Our game features super cute graphics, extreme amounts of violence and a free flowing combat system!

So yeah, that's about that. I'm gonna be updating here frequently with animations and character models I make for Overkill, and anything else related to the project.

Bye for now!

1 kommentar:

  1. That´s my man Reprezenting brooklöööön all day everyday! If only Jamal could see this :(
