Haven't updated this sucker in a really long time now. One reason being that we've started to post about Secrets of Grindea at a bunch of different places. Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, our devlog as well as some game development forums. Add a barrage of emails on top of that and you'll be surprised how much focus it takes to keep up.
Also, we've reached a state in the development where we're not really sure if we want to show all and everything we do. Spoiling too much before the game is even out would suck, as would not showing enough and having people lose interest in the game. We're trying to be smart about it, but it's a frickin science.
Since this blog pretty much always has been about me updating all the time with a shit load of stuff, it kinda demotivated me a bit when I couldn't show all the stuff I do. Oh well.
I was pretty blown away though over the amount of people who still visits this blog even though it hasn't been updated in forever. Pretty cool. And I feel kinda bad, especially since I'm such a hater when it comes to guys having blogs which they never update. "They can't take frickin 10 minutes to write a blog post? Fuckers!". So I'm gonna stop being a hypocrite (for the time being) and give this sucker a well deserved update!
So, there's not a lot of new and exciting stuff that has happen since last time I updated really. We're still just hammering away at the game day and night and it's shaping up pretty great. We put together a little video the other week with some visual updates to the combat.
We also set up a more fleshed out scheduled, with like weekly tasks and stuff just to get a clearer view of when it's reasonable to put up deadlines. Before we would just pull a date out of our asses and hope to finish everything we needed by then which rarely worked. The amount of "Oh we forgot about this!" and "Wouldn't it be cool if..." is pretty ridiculous when you're working on a big project. Especially for us, because we love cool stuff and want to (and will!) add all the shit we come up with.
But now we have a neat little weekly checklist with stuff that needs to be done and it's worked out great so far. Crossing shit of lists is the best motivator ever, I'm not even kidding.
In other news, I started playing Final Fantasy 9 the other day. We haven't started out next course here at campus so I figured I could spare an hour or two everyday to chill out a bit. To this I often treat myself with my new favorite snack, peanut butter, avocado and turkey sandwiches! Sounds pretty disgusting, but they're pretty great!
We'll see how far into the game I get before I quit. I've played like, 11 final fantasy games. I've only finished two of them. I have this weird tendency to quit playing games when I reach like the final boss. Oh well!
So yeah. Life is pretty great at the moment. Hopefully the next course won't screw that up with being a pain in the ass. Now, I'm off for some UFC and some sleep. Catch you later duuudes!